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Thirty Something
It’s a really interesting time in my life.  Things are about to change.  In a big way.  I am standing on the edge of a major life transformation.  What’s more, I have no idea how this change is going to come about or what it’s going to look like …  are we going to move to Winnipeg?  Will we stay here?  What will husband do for work?  What’s my next career step?  And on and on and on.  It’s tough, this waiting thing, and I’m a little bit down.  There is one thing I do know:  we’re moving out of this apartment in t-minus 45 days and there is a lot to pack.

I’m not the only one worrying about the state of things.  Some of my closest girlfriends are also rolling around in the tough stuff.  A plate of falafel, 2 Litres of wine, and some frank conversations last week and we all ended up in tears.  I have a lot of love for these girls and I hate to see them hurting.  But I’m happy that we’re real friends, the kind of friends who can be honest about what’s really going on, and I know things will get better for them.

I rented the first season of ‘Thirty Something’ thinking it might shed some light on this strange new phase.  The creators of ‘My So-Called Life’ suggested it to me and I’m prepared to take anything they say seriously.  I’m into the second episode and I have to admit that I’m not quite ready for this show.  Not only are me and my girlfriends five or more years too young, but we’re also not here yet.  We’re not ‘locked down’ the way they seem to be or at least the way they seem to think they are.  We still have the opportunity to move wherever we want, vacation to Paris and Berlin, try, succeed, try, fail, renew our promises, renew our vows, you name it!  Sky’s the limit for us.

So I’m pretty sure everything is going to be okay.

Husband just called from the U2 concert to dedicate a few lines of his favourite song to me.  I really dislike U2 but I sure love this husband of mine …

I have run
I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you