You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2009.

Well friends, it’s been a long week.  Because this blog is designed to encourage ‘glass half full’  thinking, I won’t spend any time elaborating on how the people at the invitation store sold us envelopes that were too small for our invitations or the fact that the postal worker I was dealing with insisted that it would cost $1.18 to send each invitation when it has since been confirmed that 52 cents or whatever it is these days would have sufficed.  No, no.  Instead, I will share with you my absolute delight at having finished the whole invitation process.  I am delighted!  So delighted that I decided to personally deliver the very first one to my good friend Courtney.  She was kind enough to hear the whole story over a glass of wine and, so, the rest of you will be spared.

I feel like the wedding is really happening now and I couldn’t be more excited!  Special thanks to my dad for his guiding hand through the weekend crises.

Excited Courtney
Three Stamps

Au revoir,

We are fortunate to live only a few blocks away from the biggest independent grocery store in all of Toronto.  Family-fun Fiesta Farms is full of fresh produce, gourmet meats, and fancy cheeses.  Moreover, it’s ripe full of that ‘oh so warm and cozy’ community feeling; I have to admit that I love running into neighbours in the cereal aisle!  Tim insists on cooking fresh as much as possible so one or both of us are likely to swing by their every day or every other day (and we always find what we’re looking for).



Au revoir,

My dear friend Val has agreed to make my wedding dress.  She is a truly beautiful person, inside and out, and soooo talented.  I am so truly fortunate that she agreed to design for me.  The dress is coming along really well; I have no doubt that it will be the dress of my dreams and so much more.  It’s still in development but here are a few pictures so you can see how it’s coming along.

Unfinished Hem

Wait ’till you see what she had planned for our next fitting.  Stay tuned.

Au revoir,

I’ve decided to chronical all of the ways my life is blessed.  An experiment in optimism, so to speak. 

To begin, it is my pleasure to introduce you to book club.  Made up of a diverse group of intelligent, creative, passionate women, book club is a constant source of light in my world.  We meet every third Thursday of the month and talk life and literature over one too many glasses of wine.

The idea for the group began about 6 or 7 months ago when I saw The Jane Austen Book Club.  It was a terrible movie but the idea moved me and, being something of an Austen-head, I jumped right in.  I quickly learned that the women in my life we’re all about it but that the prospect of reading six Jane Austen books in a row was a little more than daunting.  So, we settled on an open policy.  Everyone in attendance who has not already chosed a book puts their name in a hat.  The person who’s name in drawn at the end of the night chooses our next book, no holds barred.

The results have been spectacular.

Valley of the Dolls
In case you (funny given that I haven’t yet had the courage to tell my peers that I’m blogging again) would like to read along, this month we’re diving into The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.  Recommended by the lovely Sarah.

The Time Traveler's Wife

Au revoir,

I’d like to share a little about the wedding as it unfolds, on account of the fact that it’s such a big part of my life right now.

The invitations are at the top of our priority list at the moment.  They must must must get out there before the end of the month for our timeline to play out as planned.  I’m happy to report that there has been progress …

*The address labels have arrived and, after a weekend at the studio, they’ve all been cut and organized.
*We’ve seen a proof of the inside mount and it’s sweet.  We used thermographic printing which produces a raised effect.  We luuuuuv it.

Now it’s just a matter of waiting for the folders.  And gluing the inside mounts.  And cutting the corners on everything.  And attaching the labels.  And sealing the envelopes.  Sigh!

Inside Mount

Love Feast

The second photo is from ft‘s Love Feast.  Simple and beautiful.  Thanks to all.

Au revoir,

Tim has bought me a camera.  A pretty camera that takes pretty pictures.  Let the blogging begin!

Au revoir,