You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2009.

Once a month, I drag my sorry but out of bed and out the door before 10am on Sunday morning.  Weekend mornings are very precious to me …  I love sleeping in as long as possible, wandering around the house in my pyjamas for as long as possible, and generally answering to no one for as long as possible (usually until 5pm when I manage to get myself down to church).  But there is one reason, and one reason only, that would prompt me to break the cycle and get rolling on a Sunday morning and that thing is Girl Brunch.  Girl Brunch is a sacred time where, over eggs and muffins, four of my closest friends and I share everything from the colour of our underwear that day to our deepest and darkest fears to the source of our hope and inspiration to that funny story about our partner and the breakdancing to the art project that’s got us all fired up that week.  We talk.  And, we laugh.  We laugh a lot.  We met ages ago while working on a peice of theatre based on some poetry my father had written and we’ve been doing brunch off and on for a few years now.  I often picture us meeting around the table as little old ladies years and years from now.  I dearly hope this vision proves prophetic.

Today’s brunch was particularly charming as our lovely faux-French-Canadian hostess dubbed her apartment the ‘Cabane a secure’ or the ‘Sugar Shack.’  The theme was maple syrup and there was lot’s of it …

Girl Brunch
After brunch I wandered through Christie Pitts park which is near my house and basked in the sunlight.  It’s probably still a little too cold and windy to declare that ‘spring is here’ but, with the sun beaming like it was today, I know that we’re close.  In order to prove this point, I threw my stuff on a nearby bench and attempted to plow through the last few chapters of the Time Traveller’s Wife for Book Club which is this week …

Christie Pitts
Now it’s time to clean my apartment because my lovely cousin is coming to town this Thursday!

What I’m listening to +++ Ongiara by Great Lake Swimmers +++ and liking.

Au revior,

I just found this card that Tim gave to me last summer when we celebrated our two year anniversary.  I am a lucky girl …

Two Outside

Au revoir,

When I announced to my friends that Tim and I were engaged, what felt like douzens of recently married girlfriends showed up at my house with warm congratulations and wedding magazines … stacks and stacks of wedding magazines … some they had purchased, some they had inherited, and all of which they were ready to pass along to me.  Although grateful for their love and support, I have to admit that I was overwhelmed by these ‘helpful’ publications.  Not only did they occupy most of my kitchen, they took up quite a lot of my head-space and served to, well, stress me right out.  In an effort to free myself from the strain, I decided to flip through them all, pull out anything that seemed remotely interesting, beautiful, useful and throw it all into a scrapbook for future consideration.  This has actually turned out to be quite therapeutic and I am so very pleased with the results …

It’s sure to make a lovely keepsake.  Thank you to my generous girlfriends for inspiring this creative activity.

Au revoir,

Every time I get a photo in the mail, I throw it up on the fridge.  For a long time, I thought these postcards were cheesy and silly but, after a few years up there, I’ve had something of a change of heart.  Although probably still not my thing, I’ve learned to love the sweet and simple reminders of my friends of loved ones.  So much, in fact, that I let these delightful photos overthrow the fridge.  From top to bottom, every inch was covered with smiling kids, holiday greetings, and wedding thank-yous.  Tim, who does the bulk of the cooking around my place and therefore has to deal with the five or so pictures and magnets that inevitably fall off when the fridge door closes, threatened to throw them all away if I didn’t clean things up a bit.  And, so, the great purge!  Here is what remains,  a meager tribute …

Fridge Photos
But rest assured that I plan to add.  Abundantly.

Au revoir,

We’ve been to Buffalo and back and in and out and in and out of changerooms but it was all well worth it because I am pleased to report that I have found the bridesmaid dresses, thanks to my wonderful maid-of-honour.  I’m going to wait until after the big day to post pictures but in the meantime I would like to share a few pieces of the process.

From the Tim Horton’s in booming Tonawanda …

The great disappointment …

A lovely friend who’s agreed to do the alterations …

We are definitely getting there.

Au revoir,

A ‘congratulations’ card for my sister-in-law who is rocking a new job.  It’s a small start but creative none-the-less.

Au revoir,

I was sort-of hoping for a bridesmaid dress miracle this weekend when Tim’s sister and I hit the streets looking for the perfect thing.  I’ve been putting it off for a while now because I know it’s going to be hard to find something that I like, that everyone else likes, that has a vintage tie-in, that is affordable, and that isn’t from a bridesmaid dress store (something about authentic bridesmaids dresses annoys me).  I knew the chances of our just finding ‘it’ this weekend were slim, but I was hopeful nonetheless.  Alas, no direct hits.

Bridesmaid Dress Waist

Bridesmaid Dress Top

There were bits and peices that I liked but nothing blew me over.  There is one dress that I found on the internet that makes me really happy but for some reason it’s not avalable on line and the closest store is in Buffalo.  Maybe I can convince my maid of honour to take a roadtrip down there with me and check it out?!

Au revoir,