You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2009.

I feel like I should be wearing a multi-coloured scarf and wollen mittens and shopping for school supplies today.  There is something about this time of year that is just so magical, so full of promise.  My co-worker and I have decided to toast the crisp cool breeze by indulging in a cup of tea and talking about Christmas.  I’m off to boil water …


Au revoir,

P.S.  I love Christmas.

Kate Drama

Kate & Tim Building
Kate Close-Up
Tim Close-Up
Kate & Tim Fountain

More and more of our spare time these days seems to be dedicated to playing games.  German board games to be specific.  On top of regular Sunday night get-togethers, we’ve been known to have a few friends over spur of the moment for a few rounds of Dr. Pepper and some some serious play.  Such was the case on Saturday night.

Settlers of Catan
gives Settlers of Catan a 7.53 (which is actually a pretty good score).  More importantly than any score, it should be noted that we have good good friends, this is probably the thing that I will miss most about Toronto if we move.

I also wanted to take a moment to celebrate a local Toronto business, William Ashley China.  Visiting William Ashley is like visiting Candy Land.  It is a place where beautiful dishes line the walls and table after table of the most magnificent settings extend for as far as the eye can see.  We received nothing but the best service when we registered there last winter and yesterday we had the opportunity to meet with them to ‘reconcile’ our purchases.  It was, as always, delightful.  Here is a sneak peek of our place setting.

Ballet Ribbon
Pretty, eh?  We couldn’t be happier.

Au revoir,

I want to apologize to my one follower, Jessi Linn, for having neglected my blog these last six months.  Surprise, surprise, the wedding took more of me than I thought it would.  It was perfect, and many many pictures will follow when things get a little calmer around here.  With the blessed event only three or so weeks behind us, things are changing quickly.  Most surprisingly, there is a possibility that my husband and I will be moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba in the near future.  Nothing is for certain but the possibility is definitely out there.  In preparation for this, I’m going to try to capture a few of things I love about Toronto.  Toronto is an amazing, amazing city and I don’t take as much advantage of it as I should (there are a lot of ‘maybe next weekend, I’m tireds’ around here).  So, today, a nice leisurely walk through High Park.

Pond in High Park
Goth/Punks in High Park

Perhaps not the best picture but I couldn’t have been happier when this friendly gang of about twenty or so goth-punks came and set up their picnic near to ours.  I grabbed a picture of them chatting with one another about how loud they could play their eerie music without disturbing any of the families playing in the area.  I love this about Toronto!  Everyone has a place.

Au revoir,